Chris Parkin | Series Director

Chris Parkin | Showrunner

“Will is a DoP of exceptional versatility. Not only can he plan and execute spectacular, glossy sequences with a creative and collaborative style, but he also has the rare ability to work calmly under extreme pressure and still manage to get extraordinary pictures on the fly, somehow always finding original angles and styles. Will’s charming, easy company leads to a happy crew, relaxed talent and makes every shoot he’s running that much easier to direct.”

Emmy Award Winning – Series Director | Jose Andres + Family

Will Churchill © 2018. All rights reserved.

Covid19 Training and Filming.

Having worked in countries that have previously suffered serious disease outbreaks, Will is in a unique position to advise, train and guide you through the health and safety calculations and precautions related to filming during and after the Covid19 pandemic.

Click here for more information on filming and training.