Jonathan Profaska | Series Director

Will is fantastic to work with, a stand out DOP. I have been fortunate enough to work with him on many occasions.

Consistantly engaged with the work, Will is always ready and willing to pull from his seemly endless reserve of ideas and talents to enhance and elevate a sequence.

No matter the situation Will brings a positive and proactive energy to any gig; bolstering the mood of the team and – crucially – making contributors and talent feel at ease, and free to be themselves in front of the camera.

Will can tailor his shooting to a variety of styles and genres, with shot composition and lighting skills that add value to any production that he is a part of.

Will Churchill © 2018. All rights reserved.

Covid19 Training and Filming.

Having worked in countries that have previously suffered serious disease outbreaks, Will is in a unique position to advise, train and guide you through the health and safety calculations and precautions related to filming during and after the Covid19 pandemic.

Click here for more information on filming and training.