Sam Simon – Directer/Producer

Will, Director of Photography, filmed a documentary in Far East Russia. Nine cameras were used, to capture the great landscapes and drama for BBC2’s – The Worlds Most Dangerous Roads. We  followed two comedians along the renowned ‘Road of Bones’, which is  one of the harshest place on earth, due to the extreme temperature , which fall bellow -53 degree. Filming in extreme conditions and potential  life threatening environments is challenging as well as rewarding, but we had a good team behind us making informed and calculating decisions , which  kept everyone safe, resulting in an amazing documentary.

Will Churchill © 2018. All rights reserved.

Covid19 Training and Filming.

Having worked in countries that have previously suffered serious disease outbreaks, Will is in a unique position to advise, train and guide you through the health and safety calculations and precautions related to filming during and after the Covid19 pandemic.

Click here for more information on filming and training.